It’s like this guy wants to get caught being a liar : U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy recently said he parachuted into Glacier National Park as part of his military training in Montana — an activity a national park spokesperson said is not permitted.

Sheehy, a Republican and a former U.S. Navy SEAL, made the comment at a campaign event last month, according to a video posted on Facebook and shared multiple times.

He used the story to tell the group about how he grew up in Minnesota, but got to know the Treasure State. Sheehy did not respond to questions sent this week to two campaign staff members asking for details about the claim. However, a Glacier National Park official said parachuting, hang gliding and base jumping are not allowed in the park.

Public Information Officer Gina Icenoggle said the park does not grant special permission for the U.S. military, and if the activity is taking place, it is illegal.

“There is no way to get permission,” Icenoggle said. This isn’t the only time he’s lied about something happening in Glacier National Park : Tim Sheehy, a charismatic former Navy SEAL who is the Republican candidate in a U.S.

Senate race in Montana that could determine control of the chamber, has cited a gunshot wound he received in combat that he said left a bullet in his right arm as evidence of his toughness. “I got thick skin — though it’s not thick enough. I have a bullet stuck in this arm still from Afghanistan,” Sheehy said in a video of a D.