Well, this is a change. When the GOP held the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, MSNBC's Joy Reid and the rest of the panel sat in front of an LED screen to make it look like they were really there in person. For the DNC, though, Reid flew to Chicago to mingle with all of the other joyful Democrats.

And in case the message of "joy" hadn't been hammered into our heads enough, Reid said that she felt exuberance and joy like never before. Looks like the place hasn't filled up yet: Oof No famous singers performing at the DNC yet so barely anyone showed up! pic.twitter.

com/z7VdpMmCys Here's Reid: MSNBC's @JoyAnnReid can't contain the joy she feels at the DNC Convention: "What I have felt since we landed in this wonderful beautiful city is exuberance, joy ...

I have not seen so many Democrats laugh, smile, ...

people are literally dancing to the tunes in their own head" pic.twitter.com/yOZE6gOji6 Are they really on site for this convention? Asking for the RNC? Has anyone asked them why they are covering the DNC in person, but used a fake backdrop to trick viewers into thinking they were really at the RNC? "people are literally dancing to the tunes in their own head" This checks out The tunes in their own head: “All you fascists ‘bout to lose” demonstrators sing in Chicago this evening pic.

twitter.com/jhc4OFx3QO They’re so joyful they had to erect walls around the venue to keep it from spilling over. "It's not a cult, it's joy!" Are they aware the perimeter fence h.