The posted a 0.7% decline, as it ended the week at 8,509.517 points.

Out of 22 active equities, five advanced, while another 11 fell. A total of 172 transactions registered a turnover of €1.2m.

The registered a 0.1% gain, as it reached 1,185.542 points.

Out of 67 active issues, 26 headed north, while another 18 closed in the opposite direction. The issue recorded the best performance, up by 4.9%, to close at €99.

90. Conversely, the lost 4%, ending the week at €101.01.

The retracted further, closing 0.1% higher at 929.894 points.

Out of 22 active issues, nine appreciated while another eight headed south. The topped the list of gainers, as it closed 0.8% higher at €101.

63. On the other hand, the closed 5.7%, lower at €95.

15. (MIA) retracted by 2.5% to close at €5.

95. MIA traded between a weekly high of €6.10 and a low of €5.

70. This outcome was the result of 21 deals of 35,639 shares, generating a turnover of €215,515. experienced a negative 4.

4% movement in its share price as it closed the week at a low of €0.43. A total of four transactions generated a turnover of just €7,314.

(BOV) experienced a slight uptick, with its share price edging up by 1.2%, to close at a weekly high of €1.70.

BOV was the most liquid equity during the week, generating a total turnover of €0.6m across 49 transactions. recorded a 1.

2% increase in its share price, as it closed at a weekly high of €1.66. Trading volume reached 24,000 shares, recording a total value of €39,64.