Abortion in one way is illegal but termination of pregnancy is legal — but it goes with it some restrictive conditions, which deny women and girls liberty to abort unplanned pregnancies and they resort to still go ahead through clandestine and unsafe abortion. Ligomeka This has created a huge crisis in Malawi and from surveys done, each year, over 141,000 women and girls have abortions — almost all clandestine and the figure is likely to be higher because there are no records for those who successfully carried out the process. The official figures are mostly obtained from government health facilities and from yet to be verified reports, there are many more women of affluent status, who have sought abortion services in private health facilities — again clandestinely.

When the women’s clandestine abortions goes awry, they rush to hospitals, especially the rural poor, who have to be treated for complications since the government allows for post-abortion health care. This was enlightened by Centre for Solution Journalism (CSJ) during and interface meeting with senior media managers, to inspire the journalists on the need to amplify the abortion crisis in the country, yet a review of the Termination of Pregnancy (ToP) was completed and gazetted as a government Bill way back in 2016 and is gathering dust after it was submitted to the Ministry of Health in 2017. (adsbygoogle = window.

adsbygoogle || []).push({}); CSJ Director, Brian Ligomeka observes that the first step to be.