Nearly every week I receive a news alert of another accident along the A1, and each time I hold my breath hoping there is not another fatality, writes Rutland and Stamford MP Alicia Kearns (Con). All of us who drive the A1 regularly know how urgently further safety improvements are needed. Over 500 of you have now signed my petition calling on the Government and National Highways to improve the safety of the A1 between Stamford south and Little Ponton.

The more names we have, the stronger our calls will be, so please do email me and I’ll post you a petition to sign. As many of you will know, the extraordinary Mallard Pass Action Group (MPAG) has been looking into whether we have a legal case to take Ed Milband’s decision to approve Mallard Pass for construction to judicial review. Sadly, they have come to the conclusion that judicial review is not a viable option.

MPAG’s campaigning against Mallard Pass over the past few years has been incredible, with their love of our community shining through at every moment. I will continue to do all I can to fight against solar on agricultural land and secure the compensation package which gives our communities what we deserve, however I will also continue to try and stop the Mallard Pass mega-plant. In the meantime, I urge you all to respond to the Government’s consultation online about the proposed changes to national planning rules, highlighting the importance of protections for our agricultural land.

For three years I campaig.