MTV has announced the release of its latest documentary, Moving Mountains Within, premiering on August 7, 2024 on JioCinema Premium. Directed by Abhishek Kumawat and produced by Dr. Rajat Chauhan and Abhishek Kumawat, this captivating documentary takes viewers on an extraordinary journey through the plateau of Ladakh.

It captures awe-inspiring challenges and victories that the ultra-runners go through in one of the world's toughest and craziest races - La Ultra - The High. Moving Mountains Within, an MTV Original, to premier on August 7, 2024 This documentary isn’t just about a race; it’s a testament to human passion and resilience. The 60-minute film showcases ultra-runners achieving the tough task of running at Ladakh’s 17,582 ft while battling rapidly changing weather, in August 2019.

Moving Mountains Within, includes distances of 55, 111, 222, 333, and an astounding 555 km. In this desert-like terrain, where ordinary people struggle to breathe and risk dying from altitude sickness, some runners attempted to complete 555 km in 132 hours for the first time, making it amongst one of the toughest races in the world. The runners include Mathew Maday (555 km participant) and Cassendra Turner (222 km), a couple from the US who are successful entrepreneurs; Jason Reardon (555 km), an ex-military man from Australia; Ashish Kasodekar (555 km), a 40-year-old runner from India who previously completed 333 km in La Ultra 2018; Shikha Pahwa (222 km), a restaurant owner from Delhi.