MANILA, Philippines– “Our love is like the wind; you cannot see it, but you can feel it.” This poignant quote from Nicholas Sparks’ best-selling novel A Walk To Remember encapsulates the grief and comfort many widows experience after their partner’s death. It’s an emptiness that feels like a piece of your soul has been torn away, leaving a gaping wound that never truly heals.

But it’s a love so powerful that it transcends death and endures beyond the physical world. This is perhaps the purest form of love: to cherish someone without their presence and to hold onto love amidst sorrow. As long as you breathe, there is always a chance to heal and find love again.

You’ll never know when it will happen, but life has a way of surprising you, even when you thought your heart could never mend. In the face of overwhelming grief, the journey from heartache to healing can seem impossible. But three women – Queenie, Rosalina, and Mary Grace – prove that through resilience, faith, and strength, navigating the journey can be beautiful.

Brighter than sunshine Queenie’s story began in 2008 when she first met her late husband, Allan Andersen, in Manila. Allan, a Danish national working in the Philippines, was captivated by the warmth of the Philippines and Queenie herself. “According to him, it was love at first sight,” Queenie recalled, her eyes softening at the memory.

Their love story was one of shared dreams and simple joys, woven together by a mutual appreciatio.