Television is a compelling medium through which millions of Americans find their passions and entertainment. One particularly iconic genre of the nation's wide variety of movies and television shows is action and comedy films. These films have boasted some of the world's most excellent vehicles ever to hit the big screen, which has been cemented into the hearts of young enthusiasts for decades.

These vehicles include the Jurassic Park vehicles, Delorean, and Mystery Machine. But, of course, other than being movie cars, they all have one other thing in common, you can find all of them at this . See 15 of the most famous movie cars .

This great institution resides in a magical town, Branson, Missouri. One of the most extraordinary things about this particular showcase is that the museum is wholeheartedly dedicated to retaining fluidity and maintaining its sense of wonder. This is prominently accomplished by changing most of the attractions every half-year or so to keep people coming year after year for the newest and craziest cars.

As a result, the halls of this incredible building are filled with thousands of fabulous attractions that catch the eyes of hundreds of on-lookers per year. One of the most extraordinary things about this collection is how it is run, but the show's true stars are the cars themselves. Within the confines of this beautiful building rests a fantastic duo from the sixth movie in the Fast & Furious franchise.

One of the vehicles appears to be a replica Da.