MORGANTOWN — The general assumption just one week earlier, when Pitt rallied from 10 points down to beat West Virginia in the 107th Backyard Brawl in Pittsburgh, was that the Panthers had carved the heart out of the Mountaineers' chest and it would be very difficult to recover from that. Then, on a completely insane Saturday afternoon that included a two-hour rain, thunder and lightning delay, the Mountaineers found themselves dangling precariously at the edge of a cliff, feeling very much like Wily Coyote would feel in Road Runner cartoons when he realized he had put himself in a position that the only way to go was down. The chatter that Neal Brown needed to go that had dominated WVU social media all week was beginning to scream out anew as Kansas came out of that long delay, stopped WVU with a 3-and-out then drove the field to score a touchdown that made it a two-score game.

How much more could West Virginia take? The season was at stake, but once again the Mountaineers showed that no matter what the odds, their heart keeps beating. They may have blown a lead at Pitt and the Panthers fans may have taunted them to the breaking point, but Garrett Greene would have none of it. "Garrett was up and down until it was winning time.

When winning time came, he won. That's what he is — a winner," Brown said. "I may coach for a long time and never have a guy who is the competitor he is.

Ever the fighter, Greene and an offense that just had not defined itself at all this season, e.