Bollywood actress Mouni Roy partied hard with her husband Suraj Nambiar, best friend Disha Patani and others on Tuesday, however, theshe began the New Year on the wrong foot as she suffered a major mishap while leaving the party venue. The actress was seen tripping and falling in front of tens of cameras, and netizens wondered if she was tipsy or drunk. A video of the incident has now gone viral on the internet in which Mouni can be seen exiting a posh restaurant in Mumbai after ringing in the New Year with her friends and husband.

But as she tried to make her way out towards her car, the Brahmastra actress tripped and fell on the steps of the restaurant. A post shared by Saalim Hussain Rizvi (@saalim_hussain110) Her husband Suraj as well as Disha Patani quickly rushed to her rescue, and the former was seen holding her close by the waist as he escorted her to the car. As the video went viral, netizens commented that the actress seemed to have partied a little too hard.

"Is she drunk?" a user commented on Instagram, while another wrote, "Jyada party kar li hai kya?" On the other hand, fans of Mouni came to her defence and criticised the paparazzi for sharing the video of the actress who was caught in an awkward moment. A post shared by mon (@imouniroy) Meanwhile, Mouni and Disha are the new BFFs in B-Town and the two are often spotted hanging out together and exploring picturesque places across the globe. In December, the two were seen enjoying pristine beaches and the full mo.