Motorists who park in front of driveways are flouting Highway Code rules and could face penalties - much to the relief of exasperated homeowners. There's hardly anything more irritating than discovering your car is blocked in by someone else's vehicle, effectively trapping you at home. Parking rows can spark bitter disputes among neighbours, with such issues more prevalent in densely populated areas where space is at a premium.

Regardless of how crowded a place may be, the rules are explicit: drivers must not obstruct another person's property without justification. This lesser-known driveway regulation is tucked into Rule 243 of the Highway Code, which details parking do's and don'ts throughout the UK, reports the Express . The rule instructs drivers unequivocally not to park or stop "in front of an entrance to a property".

Additionally, the code advises against stopping vehicles near school entrances or at bus, tram, or taxi stands. It's also prohibited to block access that would impede Emergency Services , as well as parking close to level crossings, junctions, on a bend, at the top of a hill, across a dropped kerb, or in a way that hinders cyclists. The sole exception is when drivers are compelled to stop due to stationary traffic, such as during a jam.

While there isn't a specific fine for breaking this rule, it could be categorised under 'careless and inconsiderate driving'. Motorists could be hit with an unlimited fine and receive between three to nine penalty points o.