A mother-of-two has been diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer after thinking her symptoms could have been down to pregnancy. Cheryl Bryant, 36, took two pregnancy tests as she became bloated to the point of looking “six months pregnant” earlier this year. However, after several trips to the GP and A&E, the nurse associate learned a grapefruit-sized tumour was behind her symptoms and was diagnosed with a form of small cell ovarian cancer.

The “dedicated” mother said she first began noticing symptoms at the beginning of the year when her period became irregular and she felt tired and achy. By May, she had become “constantly bloated” and suffered abdominal pain. “It’s so easy to think its IBS or something else because you wouldn’t think it was cancer,” she said.

“I thought it could’ve been my diet so I tried lots of different foods and did a food sensitivity test but it kept getting worse. I was bloated and feeling full even though I wasn’t eating. “I looked about six months pregnant, I did two tests even thought I have the coil.

” In May, Ms Bryant went to her GP who ordered her an ultrasound. But before her appointment happened she went to A&E as her condition deteriorated. She was sent away having been told she had a urine infection but a week later she developed sepsis and was given a CT scan.

Doctors found a mass the size of a grapefruit and after several days, Cheryl underwent surgery to remove it and her ovary on June 4. Upon further t.