Some movies are so universally loved that it's quite controversial to dislike them, no matter how valid your criticisms may be. So when Reddit user u/777Twix asked people, "what’s a movie that you hate that everyone seems to love," we couldn't help but share some of the best responses. 1.

Love, Actually "Everyone but Emma Thompson is a terrible person in it but it doesn’t seem to be intended that way." u/Alt4Norm 2. Oppenheimer "It had some great moments but also some really bad moments.

The character writing just felt so stale and immature to me but it had some good spectacle and the soundtrack was great, pretty typical for Nolan honestly." u/OneHundredSeagulls 3. The Notebook "Both of the main characters are intolerable.

I didn't root for them at all." u/TenuousClosure "Seriously dislike the characters, especially the woman. Can't make up her mind at all.

I didn't find it even an ounce romantic." u/unhealthylonghoursof 4. Titanic "Far too long and uninteresting for a movie you know the end of before the beginning.

With a few exceptions, like Kathy Bates' character, the acting was boring and subpar." u/Justin-Tym "Cartoonishly underwritten characters, a disrespectful emphasis on spectacle and excitement, and historical distortions so offensive that the vice-president of 20th Century Fox himself would later apologise, in person, to descendants of the ship's crew." u/OminOus_PancakeS 5.

The Godfather "Everyone raves about it, but I've never once managed to stay awake for m.