While ticking off major tourist sites during a city break is certainly enjoyable, it’s the exploration of side streets and charming avenues that truly reveals a city’s authentic character. Streets have long been more than mere pathways; they are vibrant veins that pulse with the character and charm of their cities. Around the globe, some streets stand out as epitomes of beauty, showcasing a blend of historical richness, architectural elegance, and natural splendour.

So, which streets around the globe are currently the most intriguing? In recent years, street life has undergone a transformation. What was once considered a temporary measure, like outdoor dining and drinking, has now become a permanent fixture, supported by green initiatives such as pedestrianisation and reduced traffic. These changes have made streets more enjoyable and walkable.

Every street on our list boasts vibrant, innovative ventures in dining, nightlife, and culture—from trendy listening bars to creatively repurposed historic buildings. These streets are where you’ll encounter the most exciting cultural trends in their respective cities. Ready to explore? Here is the list of the world’s most beautiful streets.

Nestled in Colmar, France, close to the German border, lies one of Europe's most enchanting towns. The Old Town of Colmar stands out as the most picturesque area, with architecture seemingly frozen in time. Its vibrant timber-framed buildings perfectly capture the essence of Alsatian char.