YOUNGER Americans think relaxing on vacation is overrated as travel preferences shift with age, new research shows. A survey of 2,000 Americans who travel , evenly split by generation, looked at how people of different ages vacation and found that both Gen X and baby boomers prioritize relaxation when traveling, at 51% and 57%, respectively. However, the research shows that Gen Z and millennials are more interested in making memories — 54% and 45%, respectively.

And 29% of those who don’t prioritize relaxation when they’re away find it a waste of time — especially millennials, who agreed with the idea 30% of the time. A new survey conducted by Talker Research for Apple Vacations found that these preferences may change in the future — 59% of respondents said their vacation priorities have shifted as they got older. A quarter of millennials reported that sightseeing is a thing of the past and Gen Z is no longer prioritizing learning new things while traveling (28%).

Read more dream destinations Respondents from different generations recalled their average age when their vacation preferences changed: Gen Z preferences shift at age 18, while millennials see it at 27, Gen X at 38, and baby boomers at 54. TRAVEL STILL A PRIORITY Something that won’t change is Americans’ love for traveling, with one in four sharing that traveling is a high priority for them these days (28%). Although millennials are most focused on traveling right now (38%), Gen Z (35%) is most likely .