Celebrated actor Mosharraf Karim has recently taken on an exciting project—an anthology series, "Adhunik Bangla Hotel", directed by Kazi Asad. This new venture, created for the streaming platform Chorki, comes with a twist: The titles of the episodes do not give away the surprising depth of the stories. "The names of the episodes are brilliant—'Boal Macher Jhol' (Boal Fish Curry), 'Khasir Paya' (Goat Trotters), and 'Hasher Chalan' (Duck's Gait), but trust me, you'll never guess the layers of narrative hidden inside," Mosharraf teased, speaking enthusiastically about the series.

"It's one of those stories that starts very simply, but then it gradually evolves, taking viewers to unexpected places," he added. Having begun his career in the 1990s, Mosharraf Karim is no stranger to the stage, television, film, and web-series. However, "Adhunik Bangla Hotel" marks his debut in the anthology format—a genre that offers distinct storytelling opportunities.

When asked what makes anthology series different, the actor explained, "Each work brings something unique. However, these stories are distinct even when they stay within the same umbrella. They start so straightforwardly, but you discover something entirely new as you dig deeper.

That's the beauty of these stories. While my job is to act, I try to engage with the story's tone, my character's personality, and the overall atmosphere - in a way that feels organic." Without revealing too much about his co-stars, Mosharraf maintain.