The Mortimer-hungry crowd willingly made the mid-week trek “up a Skyline” in Jack’s Hill to hear their favourite artiste deliver an intimate live acoustic set at The Listener’s Club, and it was a full house that savoured the 90 minutes of musical mastery from a singer whose ability is unquestioned. Advertised for an 8 p.m.

start, it was 9:03 p.m. when host Ashley Miller made her way to the stage and told patrons, “Make some noise if you are ready for Mortimer!” They obeyed.

And it seemed as if “make some noise” became some kind of unspoken mantra that morphed into constant screams of approval, not just for the music, but also for comments like, “My wife is in the house”. “Tonight is very special to me ..

. tonight we celebrate music with New Wave and Wray and Nephew. I love this kind of setting .

.. very intimate .

.. I love the big stage too, but this is my kind of thing,” shared Mortimer, who first of all thanked his fans for their unwavering support.

He then set the tone for a night of tried-and-tested favourites, new songs, not-so-new songs, and the backstory to some of his work. Mortimer was there to give of himself, starting with a few tracks from his début album, From Within , due out today (Friday) From Within has certainly been a long time coming and the Rastafarian reggae singer was even able to poke fun at himself over the wait. “Listen .

.. you’ve been waiting?” he asked.

“I have been waiting!” he said emphatically to much laughter..