Tim O'Brien, veteran journalist and senior executive editor at Bloomberg Opinion, has been interviewing Donald Trump for years — from the ex-president's time building and completing Trump Tower in the 1980s, to his years starring in The Apprentice — and up to his four years in the Oval Office. Over the years, the MAGA hopeful has developed clear and present obsessions — such as Hannibal Lecter. MSNBC's Joy Reid on Wednesday asked O'Brien to offer some insight into why the ex-president often mentions the fictitious character.

READ MORE: Trump fears winding 'up as the thing his old man most reviled': ex-Obama official "Part of the Hannibal Lecter references, I think, come from the fact that Donald Trump actually thinks that migrants seeking asylum belong in insane asylums," O'Brien said, "and Hannibal Lecter was in an asylum, and he can't really separate the difference of two. So, that's raw ignorance." The longtime journalist added, "The larger cultural touch point here is that Donald Trump is, indeed, baked in amber.

The clothing his wears, the celebrities he fawns over, the music he most closely relates to, is all from the 1980s. He completed Trump Tower in the 1980s. It was the first project he did apart from his father.

It was the project that put him on magazine covers. It's the project that ultimately led to the book 'The Art of the Deal.' And he was celebrated as this young deal maker who could do no wrong.

" O'Brien then turned to some of Trump's other obsessions..