The Morning Digest is compiled by David Nir, Jeff Singer, and Stephen Wolf, with additional contributions from the Daily Kos Elections team. ● MO Ballot : After putting up every possible roadblock, Republican officials finally certified an amendment for the November ballot that would allow voters to restore abortion rights in the state of Missouri. Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, who last week took a disappointing third place in the Republican primary for the state's open governorship, issued a press release Tuesday confirming that the amendment, which will be identified as Amendment 3 on the ballot, had turned in the requisite number of signatures.

He also gave the green light to a separate amendment concerning gambling, as well as a statutory measure that would increase the minimum wage. In Missouri, citizen-initiated amendment efforts need to collect signatures equal to at least 8% of the vote in the last race for governor in six of the state's eight congressional districts, a task that's difficult for progressives in a state where Joe Biden in 2020 carried just two constituencies on the Republican-drawn map. Amendment 3 satisfied this requirement in the requisite six districts, though it was close.

Ashcroft verified that the coalition promoting the plan, Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, collected 32,882 valid signatures from the dark red 7th District in the southwestern part of the state, which was just over the 30,013 minimum they needed here. But Amendment 3 m.