Ties with Russia, Ukraine stand on their own: MEA official India has “substantive and independent” relations with Russia and Ukraine that “stand on their own”, Secretary West in the Ministry of External Affairs, Tanmaya Lal, said on Monday while announcing the “landmark” visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Poland and Ukraine later this week. Contentious Broadcasting Bill to proceed only after wider consultation: I&B Minister The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has put the draft Broadcasting Bill, 2023, on hold, Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Electronics and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw, indicated to reporters on Monday (August 19, 2024), saying there would be a wider consultation with creators and other stakeholders. Kolkata rape and murder: doctors march to police headquarters; CBI seeks nod for polygraph test on accused Hundreds of doctors marched to the Lalbazar, the headquarters of the Kolkata police, on Monday (August 19, 2024) along with two senior physicians Kunal Sarkar and Subarna Goswami, who were summoned by the police for allegedly revealing the identity of the victim of the gruesome rape and murder at the R.

G. Kar Medical College and Hospital. Risk of large outbreak of mpox low in India for now, says Health Ministry official The Union Health Ministry on Monday (August 19, 2024) said the strain of monkeypox virus currently in circulation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and more than a dozen African countries is v.