More than 50 Labour MPs demand Keir Starmer defy NIMBYs and push ahead with a planning 'revolution'...

as Deputy PM Angela Rayner plots rebranding green belt land as 'grey belt' in bid for 1.5million more houses By Greg Heffer, Political Correspondent For Mailonline Published: 10:25, 28 July 2024 | Updated: 10:45, 28 July 2024 e-mail 4 View comments More than 50 Labour MPs are demanding Sir Keir Starmer not give in to NIMBYs and deliver 'revolutionary' reforms of the planning system. The Labour Growth Group has written to the PM urging him to 'back the builders and not the blockers' and fulfil the party's vow to deliver 1.

5million new homes. They called on the Government to make 'tough choices' and warned a 'failure to act will not be forgiven by the public'. It comes as Deputy PM Angela Rayner prepares to unveil an overhaul of planning rules before MPs head away from Westminster on their summer recess on Tuesday.

Ms Rayner confirmed Labour's reforms are set to include rebranding some green belt land as 'grey belt', which is deemed to be poor quality, for building houses. Labour's overhaul of existing rules is set to be revealed in an update to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) - a 78-page document that sets out planning policies for England and how these should be applied. More than 50 Labour MPs are demanding Sir Keir Starmer not give in to NIMBYs and deliver 'revolutionary' reforms of the planning system The Labour Growth Group has written to the PM urging him .