I’m the kind of consumer who gets into the music of a particular band and that’s all I listen to, nonstop, for an extended period. Same with TV shows; there aren’t a lot that I truly love, but the ones that hook me for whatever reason, like HBO’s epic mafia drama , I watch over and over again. And the same is also true for video games — I’m not a gamer by any stretch of the imagination, but there have been a few here and there, like Ustwo Games’ franchise, that I’ve played so many times.

I can’t even pinpoint a single reason why I love the games so much. First and foremost, they’re visually stunning. is an ambient, sonic wonderland.

There’s also a minimal yet captivating storyline, in which the protagonist Ida goes on a quest through ethereal landscapes to atone for having stolen the land’s “sacred geometry.” In , a different protagonist named Ro guides her young daughter through a similarly fantastical world — and soon, thanks to , fans like me are about to have an all new to dive into. The long-awaited third game in the franchise will be available to play with a Netflix subscription, as part of its push into mobile gaming, starting .

And, judging from the first footage below, it looks like the developers have used the time since the last release to get even more creative with the gameplay — with characters, for example, now being able to sail in a boat to explore various cities and towns. Of course, the familiar gameplay mechanic that fans kn.