Remove coconut shells, unused buckets, tyres, and plastic containers that collect water and cause mosquitoes' breeding grounds. Fever is a common presenting symptom in developing countries. It becomes the most common presenting symptom in our hospitals and clinics during the rainy season.

Epidemics of acute febrile illness have been causing significant concerns in India. Dengue, malaria, typhoid, Leptospirosis, and scrub typhus have been reported in such epidemics. Often, there is an outbreak of cholera and other gastroenteritis during the rainy season due to contaminated food and water consumption.

In this article, let's discuss common monsoon infections and ways to prevent them. These infections can be broadly divided into vector-borne disease, leptospirosis, and those transmitted through contaminated food and water consumption. VECTOR-BORNE DISEASE Mosquito breeding increases exponentially during the rainy season due to water stagnation and an outbreak of diseases like Japanese Encephalitis, Chikungunya, Dengue, Malaria, and Sicca syndrome.

Culex mosquitoes and Monsonian mosquitoes cause Japanese encephalitis. Signs are headache, vomiting, fever, fainting attacks, and seizures/fits: The diseases mentioned earlier are all mosquito-borne, and let us see ways to prevent mosquito breeding and biting. Prevention Against Mosquito Bite Personal protection wearing fully covered clothes while going out, using mosquito repellants on the skin, and using mosquito repellants inside the.