Caring for your feet during the monsoons can be tricky as they’re exposed to dirt and germs due to prolonged exposure to muck and rainwater. Walking through dirty water is often unavoidable, leading to feet being exposed to various pollutants and germs, which can cause infections. The humid, wet climate can result in wet shoes, sweaty feet, cracked toes, fungal infections, itching, athlete’s foot, and other allergies.

Wearing tight, closed-toe shoes, keeping your feet wet for extended periods, and getting minor skin or nail injuries can all contribute to fungal infections. A little extra care during the monsoon can help prevent shoe bites and serious foot conditions. The main problem during monsoons is high humidity and sweat.

Feet are particularly vulnerable to germs and odors. To maintain hygiene, wash your feet daily, paying special attention while bathing. After washing, dry them thoroughly and apply talcum powder.

Choosing appropriate footwear is crucial during the monsoon. Avoid heels, as roads are wet and slippery. Instead, opt for simple footwear like flip-flops, slippers, rubber boots, or sandals, which provide ventilation and help evaporate perspiration.

However, open footwear attracts dirt, so foot hygiene is even more important. If you live in an area with heavy rainfall, wear gum boots. To soothe tired feet after a long day, soak them in cold water with added salt.

A common foot problem during the monsoon is “Athlete’s Foot,” a fungal infection that thr.