The monsoon season has finally brought relief from the summer heat but it has also increased eye infections as the humidity and exposure to rainwater have surged. Therefore, it is important to take extra care of your eyes during this time. Tips to keep your eyes healthy and infection-free during the monsoons In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Jay Goyal, Eye Surgeon, LASIK and Retina Specialist and Director at Surya Eye Hospital, shared expert advice on how to keep your eyes healthy and infection-free during the monsoons - 1.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention for Eye Infections : Eye infections like conjunctivitis, boils, and styes are very common during the monsoon season. To prevent any complications, consult your eye specialist as soon as you experience any symptoms. 2.

Avoid Open Swimming Pools : Swimming in open pools during the rainy season can increase the chances of contracting viral conjunctivitis, so it’s best to avoid them. 3. Skip Eye Makeup During Infection : Don’t use eye makeup if you have an eye infection.

4. Practice Good Hygiene with Contact Lenses : Never touch your eyes or contact lenses with dirty hands. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling lenses to prevent infections.

5. Consider LASIK Treatment : For those tired of wiping their foggy and wet spectacles, LASIK treatment can be a viable option to achieve clear vision without glasses. Eye-care trends Adding to the list of eye-care tips for monsoons, Dr Shachi Joshi, an Ophthalmologist in.