Multivitamins are supplements that contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. They are designed to provide a comprehensive boost to overall health, filling in nutritional gaps that might exist due to an imbalanced diet. Monsoon, with its refreshing rains and lush greenery, brings a much-needed respite from the scorching summer heat.

However, it also ushers in a host of health challenges. The fluctuating temperatures and increased humidity create a perfect environment for the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, leading to a spike in illnesses like the common cold, flu, and various waterborne diseases. In such times, maintaining a robust immune system becomes paramount, and this is where multivitamins play a crucial role.

The Importance of Multivitamins Multivitamins are supplements that contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. They are designed to provide a comprehensive boost to overall health, filling in nutritional gaps that might exist due to an imbalanced diet. During the monsoon season, the body’s nutritional needs can be higher due to the increased risk of infections and the body’s efforts to adapt to changing weather conditions.

Key Benefits of Multivitamins in Monsoon as shared by Ayush Agarwal, Founder, Rasayanam Ayurveda: 1. Strengthening Immunity One of the primary benefits of multivitamins is their ability to strengthen the immune system. Vitamins like C, D, and E, along with minerals such .