Things are about to get wild this week as the Democrats kick off their convention which is sure to be filled with the utterly bizarre, posing as normal. We here at Twitchy will be sure to bring you all the laughs and outrageous rhetoric, but there's only one way to prepare for such a spectacle ..

. We need a good dose of laughs before the Chicago shenanigans begin. That's why we're here, once again, to try to help us all cope with what is sure to be a Monday leading into madness.

We've got some of our favorite memes, clips, and jokes from the past week to get the day started off on the right foot. Good morning, X. 😃 pic. LOL! Somebody needs to tell him! Went to my buddy’s house and he thought this absolute monster was gonna slip by without further inquiry pic.twitter.

com/1erZU8Ifrb Yeah, we're going to need more information ...

and some details about where to purchase this beauty. pic.twitter.

com/dhOWoN5Wif Hey, you could just go with this classic ...

I can never shop here again 😅 Been there.

Done that. This made me laugh pretty hard. 😂😂😂 This pup is a good sport. Okay, that's funny.

JD VANCE IS A MONSTER Yes, the Left went after teenage JD Vance this week for .

.. having once been a teenager.

We all had fun with it. pic.twitter.

com/bx2Ab0gF3x We love the dad joke energy y'all bring us every week. pic.twitter.

com/SpdGUeuDM5 Bwahaha! The age-old question remain.