Thursday, September 19, 2024 The 8th International Monarch Monitoring Blitz has set a new record for volunteer participation across North America, highlighting the growing role of eco-tourism and wildlife tourism in conservation efforts. Over 5,000 eco-conscious individuals from Canada, Mexico, and the United States joined forces from July 26 to August 4, 2024 , to document monarch butterfly sightings and track vital milkweed habitats essential for monarch survival. The International Monarch Monitoring Blitz is more than just a conservation project—it’s an example of how travel and tourism can intersect with efforts to protect biodiversity.

As eco-tourism grows in popularity, more travelers are choosing destinations and activities that allow them to experience and contribute to the conservation of iconic species like the monarch butterfly. The Monarch Blitz invites participants, including eco-tourists and nature lovers, to become actively involved in conservation during their travels. This year, over 16,000 monarch sightings and 68,000 milkweed plants were reported, providing crucial data for scientists working to protect the species.

Milkweed, the sole food source for monarch caterpillars, is disappearing due to habitat loss, making these reports essential for tracking monarch populations and their migratory paths. Data collected during the Blitz are stored in the Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network , a public resource that helps scientists understand how best to conse.