The Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra, in its post, shared pictures of the temple illuminated by lights and said on the eve of Diwali, the Ram temple shines with a divine glow. Published: October 31, 2024 7:44 AM IST By Edited by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said this is the first Diwali after the consecration ceremony of Lord Ram in his magnificent temple in Ayodhya and asserted that this auspicious moment has come after 500 years with the countless sacrifices and penance of Ram bhakts. Tagging a post by the Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra, Modi said in a post in Hindi on X: “Divine Ayodhya! This is the first Deepawali after the consecration ceremony of Lord Shri Ram, the epitome of virtue, in his magnificent temple.

The unique beauty of Shri Ram Lalla’s temple in Ayodhya is going to overwhelm everyone.” “After 500 years, this auspicious moment has come with the countless sacrifices and penance of Ram bhakts. It is our good fortune that all of us have become witnesses to this historic occasion,” Modi said.

“I am confident that the life of Lord Shri Ram and his ideals will continue to be an inspiration for the people of the country in achieving the resolution of a developed India,” he added. The Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra, in its post, shared pictures of the temple illuminated by lights and said on the eve of Diwali, the Ram temple shines with a divine glow. In another post in Hindi on X, Modi also hailed the Deepotsav being celebrated i.