The 23 year old content creator captured the encounter on video and shared it on TikTok, where it has already attracted over 10,600 views. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters A British diver was left in awe after encountering a super rare megamouth shark, describing the experience as surreal. Bee Smith, a UK native, was diving off the coast of Hualien, Taiwan, when on June 7 she stumbled upon the elusive, prehistoric creature.

Megamouth sharks are an incredibly rare species, with only 273 recorded sightings. They typically reside in deep waters during daylight hours and ascend to the surface at night in pursuit of plankton. The 23 year old content creator captured the encounter on video and shared it on TikTok, where it has already attracted over 10,600 views.

Speaking to What's The Jam, Bee recounted the moment: "She was a very big female," adding, "For the very first moment, I couldn't believe it was real.", reports the Mirror . Despite having seen a preserved megamouth before, nothing could have prepared her for the live sighting: "I have seen a dead megamouth specimen before but it did not prepare me at all for seeing an alive one.

" She expressed her admiration for the shark: "They are the most beautiful, crazy-looking, giant shark." It wasn't until after the dive that Bee fully processed .