A video showing where a mom found the lost dog the family rescued the day before and her youngest son has moved viewers on social media. Rescuing dogs is nothing new for this family. In the July 17 TikTok video posted to the account @coconicoletx, the mom mentioned that her husband "is always bringing in strays or dogs that need saving.

" The latest one was a pug who they found running on a busy street and dodging cars. After her husband successfully picked up the pug from the side of the road, they brought him home without hesitation, keeping him in a the first night. The next morning, Nicole went to check on the pug and let him out, but much to her surprise, he wasn't there.

She also noticed her youngest son was nowhere to be found. Nicole searched the house high and low, only to finally discover feet poking out from behind the couch. As she stepped closer, she saw her son and the pug sleeping together in a cozy nook with blankets and pillows.

Her son wanted the dog to feel comfortable the first night and morning he was with the family. The two looked as if they snuggled together every night. There went Nicole's plans to keep her kids from getting attached to the dog.

She plans to connect the pug with his rightful owners, but she told via TikTok on Monday that they are still looking for this dog's family. The vet could not locate a . Nicole then followed up with animal control services to double-check, as microchips can sometimes migrate.

But again nothing turned up, she exp.