A woman arrested in 2022 accused of abusing and neglecting her 16-year-old daughter was convicted on charges including aggravated child neglect by a Hawkins County Jury last week. Rikiya Joy Parks , 36, of Mount Carmel, is scheduled to appear in Hawkins County Criminal court on Nov. 18 for sentencing.

She faces up to 12 years in prison. Following a two day trial last week in Hawkins County Criminal Court Parks was found guilty on all counts including aggravated child neglect, a Class B felony, felony filing a false report, and misdemeanor child neglect/abuse. At the time of the crime Parks resided on Country Lane in Church Hill with two men with whom she has children, as well as their four children.

According to the Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office, on May 17, 2021 Deputy Kevin Johnson responded to that residence on a request to do a welfare check on the children. Upon his arrival Johnson spoke to Aaron Andrew Perkins , 43, who stated he wouldn’t let Johnson in due to an aggressive dog. Johnson asked if Perkins could bring the child out, and Perkins produced a 14-year-old who appeared healthy with no signs of abuse, Johnson stated in his report.

Perkins stated that the rest of the children were with Parks at the grocery store with her boyfriend, Daniel Martin Race , 45. Johnson stated in his report that a short time later Parks and Race arrived at the home with two children ages 8 and 1 who also appeared healthy. The trio reportedly stated there were no other children at t.