@KIM: I work for one of the top BPO companies in the city while balancing my time between my child and my studies. Although a college degree is not a requirement for my job, I decided to pursue it and am now in my third year. Being a single parent is never easy, especially with my irregular shift schedule.

Given the academic demands, I am seriously considering putting my studies on hold. You are one of the respected leaders in the industry, and I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Since I can already earn a living without a degree, do you think I should still continue pursuing this dream? DJ: Balancing work, studies and parenthood — especially as a single parent — is no small feat.

Mad respect for your hustle! While a degree is no longer a must-have for landing a stable job these days, earning one can unlock new doors, personally and professionally. While you can hit pause on school and return later, stats do show that the likelihood decreases over time. Research from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center in the US found that only 13 percent of students who stop attending college for at least a year end up completing their degree within five years.

The longer the gap, the harder it gets to return. Is finishing your degree urgent? A 2023 study by Cavite State University found that 50 percent of folks in the industry don’t have a degree but have completed some college education. Since our industry pays well even without a diploma, it makes sense why ma.