@CHELSEA: I am terminally ill with late-stage breast cancer. Going through the usual cycle of healing and relapse for the past 10 years. My boyfriend and I are in a relationship.

To be fair with him, he has been present and has been there for me through all the difficulties I’ve been through. However, I can also honestly sense it’s taking a toll on him. He is too young to sacrifice his prime years taking care of a girlfriend who might eventually pass away.

I know I should set him free. I am just not sure if this is another pain I could survive. I want to pick your brain about my situation.

Please help me think things over. Thank you. DJ: This is one of those times when it would be nice to have a crystal ball to tell us what the future holds and where the relationship leads.

Unfortunately, AI has no such capability. We’re left to discern our choices, weighing the pros and cons of potential paths. Is your boyfriend someone who lives in the moment or is he more future-focused? Is he the type who plans for what life will be like five years from now, or does he focus on what’s meaningful to him right now? If he’s a planner, he might be considering how the situation will impact his other goals like family, career, and education.

But if he’s all about living in the now, he might be spending every day grateful to have you in his life. It’s normal to have these thoughts running through your head. You may be thinking it isn’t fair that your boyfriend is facing something.