Malayalam actor and president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA), Mohanlal , has not released a statement in light of the recent Hema Committee report and sexual misconduct allegations on actor Siddique and filmmaker Ranjith. Actor Shammy Thilakan spoke to the press, according to IE , and took a dig at Mohanlal for not speaking up. (Also Read: Malayalam actress Minu Muneer accuses prominent stars of sexual harassment ) Shammy Thilakan on Mohanlal According to the publication, Shammy spoke to the press about recent events, stating that Mohanlal had “lost his ability to respond”.

He also noted that whoever has done wrong will face consequences, saying, “Those who eat salt will drink water, whoever it is,” and adding, “I live in fear too. The term ‘power group’ was used by the Hema Committee , and their report contains evidence of its existence. We can identify who is part of that group based on this evidence.

” Shammy also called upon people to look beyond idol worship and hold those in power accountable, reportedly saying, “Idols that must be broken must be broken. Idols that have shown betrayal must be torn down.” As for Siddique’s resignation, Shammy said that his stepping down as the secretary of AMMA “isn’t poetic justice, but maybe my father may feel that way.

” For the unversed, Shammy is the son of veteran Malayalam actor Thilakan . What’s happening in Mollywood In the aftermath of the Justice K Hema Committee ’s explosiv.