Solutions for your ethical dilemmas The bed can feel like a significant part of a relationship. Photo: Getty Images Question: I’ve been in a new relationship for almost six months and spend a lot of time in the apartment my boyfriend used to share with his ex. When we first started going out, he still had a lot of her stuff.

I told him that was weird and he eventually organised to get it back to her. They bought a lot of furniture together and divided it up when they broke up but he kept the bed. This is starting to creep me out because we’re sleeping on the mattress they shared together.

I’m also really aware that she chose the bed — I’ve bought new pillows and bed linen and I have offered to go halves on a new mattress. He’s refusing to do this because he thinks it’s wasteful and unnecessary. He says I’m just looking for problems.

This really hurts because I think it shows he is not invested in starting something fresh with me. It’s leading to massive fights and I’d really appreciate some advice. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.