The 2024 cast of has been quite busy since the show wrapped up in November. have hosted a BBQ event, Hannah Campbell has signed with a talent agency, and winners recently held a in Sydney. Mother and daughter duo have also recently shared some exciting news on social media and announced the launch of their new catering business .

Janey and Maddie describe Kitchen Queens as a “premier destination for tailored culinary experiences and seamless event curation”. They offer personalised menus for dinner parties, mid-week family occasions, corporate events, retreats, or any other event in Melbourne and beyond. The duo officially launched their new business earlier this month with an exclusive event in their home and have since shared plenty of videos showcasing their offerings.

“If you don’t feel like cooking during the week, we have got you covered,” Maddie says in the launch video. “We have an extensive menu of family favourite recipes that are super healthy and delicious that we promise you and your loved ones will love.” “The Kitchen Queens have got you sorted when it comes to your next dinner party,” Janey adds.

“Three courses or two courses, it will be an experience that your guests will love.” Their followers have since taken to social media to share their excitement and send congratulatory messages, with one person writing: “What an amazing concept! Congratulations guys this is really so so good!” “Congratulations- what an absolute treat for peop.