DEAR MISS MANNERS : I own a shop where I sell fine paper goods. After countless coffee spills and food stains on merchandise, I posted a “NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED” sign next to the front door. People still walk in with greasy pizza slices, drippy ice cream cones and overflowing cups of coffee.

When I restate my policy and point to a tray where they can set their food or drink while they shop, they glare at me and storm out like I’m the bad guy. Is there a way to enforce my rule with no hard feelings? GENTLE READER : Signs indeed hold authority — and humans can conveniently blame them when enforcing the rules proves awkward. Sheepishly pointing to one and presenting a parking tray for the offending food and drink is about all you can do.

Miss Manners hopes that if ill-mannered and inconsiderate patrons walk out, you may take comfort in knowing that the loss of a potential sale is less costly than a batch of greasy, unusable stationery. Your better-behaved customers will appreciate it. DEAR MISS MANNERS : I’ve become closer to a friend in recent years.

While I do not see her spouse often, when I do, he never seems to miss an occasion to say something demeaning about (or to) my friend. Related Articles Is there anything I can say or do to politely make clear that such comments make me feel uncomfortable? I believe someone needs to stand up to this bully, but I suspect that’s probably not my role, and it could be insulting to my friend. GENTLE READER : “Please be ki.