: My co-worker recently purchased some computer equipment for his new career. He generously offered me the expensive computer mouse he had previously been using. Related Articles I couldn’t accept such a pricey item for free, so I looked at what I had in my wallet and said, “I have to at least give you $20.

” He responded, “How’s $50?” I smiled and insisted he give it to someone else or save it for himself, even after he said he’d take the $20 (albeit embarrassed). Should I have just taken it, seeing as he’ll be gone soon as it is? Was I rude for offering money for a gift? : After a send-off this awkward, did everyone have to come to work wearing paper bags over their heads for a week afterwards, Miss Manners wonders? Yes, it was rude to offer money for a gift. You certainly could have either accepted or declined it as you chose.

I was hospitalized for two weeks with a serious illness that nearly took my life. While I appreciate my kind friends, I was in no condition to receive visitors other than family members, who understood I didn’t have the energy or wherewithal to engage in chatter. Therefore, when friends called and said they would be coming to visit, I politely asked them to please wait until I was released from the hospital.

I have learned that several people took great umbrage at my request. Was I wrong? : You were not wrong, but a more effective technique — not to mention one easier on yourself — would have been to deputize a family member to m.