As a teenager in her first job, I have a good workplace, for the most part. The manager is friendly, and the co-workers are amusing and cooperative. Related Articles Except one.

She is the kind of person who always has wrong: her finger (cut while she was under the influence), her hand (scraped by a passing car), her hip (nerve pain, which the manager also has), etc. Her complaints all have one thing in common — making others pick up her slack. One employee demanded she never get scheduled on the same shift with her.

People trade pained smiles when we get stuck with her during rush hours and closing. Multiple people have approached the manager, and he always says he’ll do something (like cut her hours or talk to her), but it never happens. How can I elegantly handle this? Or should I keep my nose out of it and deal with it? Perhaps, Miss Manners suggests, you can keep your nose out of it handle it by saying, “I’m so sorry that you’re hurt, but unfortunately, I only have time to do my own job today.

Perhaps you can speak to the manager about cutting back if you’re not feeling up to working this week.” Three times in the past year, friends have sent me links to crowdfunding sites where family members were soliciting funds to bury a relative. I am uncomfortable adding myself to the list of donor names followed by a dollar amount (the “top donor” and their donation is highlighted).

Now I have received an online notice to pay for a 70-year-old cousin’s death-re.