Miss Lauru Elsie Polosovai is the newly crowned Miss Solomon Islands after claiming the Miss Solomon Islands Pageant (MSIP) 2024 title over the weekend. The six hours program was held on Saturday at the Pacific Crown Hotel (PCH) in Honiara. New Zealand based Polosovai was crowned the winner after two days of event which commenced on Friday with a speech contest and float parade through Honiara city.

The climax of the program came on Saturday night where six contestants showcased their talents through a number of categories. Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) currently acting Bradley Tovosia was the guest of honour. He was able to witness the former Miss Solomon Islands Ms.

Tiare Haro formally handed over the official MSIP crown to the winner new Miss Solomon Islands – Ms. Polosavai during a colourful official crowning ceremony at the Pacific Crown Hotel on Saturday night. Speaking at the official handover ceremony at the MSIP 2024 the new Miss Solomon Islands Ms Polosovai said, it is a great honor and privilege to take on the role as Miss Solomon Islands.

“I am humbly accepting this role, and I will do my best to the best of my ability to represent all of us on the Pacific stage and to carry the pride of Solomon Islands with me everywhere I go.” She also expressed special thanks to the Lauru People’s Association for their recognition and support. “Thank you for trusting me and taking me onboard and sponsoring me on this year’s pageant,” she emotionally stressed.

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