Miss Ireland Jasmine Gerhardt has urged the government to bring in stronger cyberbullying legislation, after her horrific experience with trolls. Jasmine Gerhardt won the beauty pageant last year, with the law student unfortunately being the subject of horrific online abuse — including people setting up a fake OnlyFans page in her name, and a Twitter (X) account posting nasty comments about her. While Jasmine has admitted that she is dealing with the abuse better than when it began, she said that she’s still receiving the nasty comments — with her hoping that cyberbullying gets better regulated by the government.

‘There is still stuff being written about me online and it is horrible but I kind of deal with it a lot better than I did when it first started,’ Jasmine told the Irish Mirror . ‘I have to say though there are more nice people than there is bad so that is what I stand by. I guess when you put your life on social media you have to be ready to take the repercussions to come with it, which is unfortunate.

‘But I guess that is the price you pay for being on social media. Not everyone is going to like you..

. but don’t take it personally. But it’s not ideal.

’ Speaking on potentially tougher cyberbullying laws, Jasmine said that in college she looked into cyber protection, particularly for children during her law degree — adding that some people aren’t so lucky in dealing with cyberbullying. A post shared by Jasmine Gerhardt | MISS IRELAND (@jasgerha.