There is a grand lady who has been gracing my gar-den the past couple of years. In fact, I would say she is definitely Miss America. You know The Garden Guy is having fun, as I am talking about Shadowland Miss America hosta.

The past two summers have to go down as a hosta survivability challenge of sorts. If the hostas are not crying uncle, The Garden Guy is. Shadowland Miss America is giving my other two favorites a run to see who captures the gold at my zone 8 West Georgia garden.

I haven't been a hosta grower for long, but I already have Shadowland Autumn Frost and Shadowland Etched Glass high on the pedestal. There is something special, however, about the way Shadowland Miss America maintains her creamy white center variegation and on green leaves that also has unique light green streaking. They are thick, sturdy and positioned as if they know their name is Miss America.

I am always working with the goal of showy plant combinations. I've hit big a couple of times with Shadowland hostas and hydrangeas that are typically blue in my soil. This year Miss America and Perfecto Mundo Red reblooming azaleas put a smile on my face.

So you might guess that Perfecto Mundo Red and a blue Tuff Stuff Ah Ha mountain hydrangea hitting in sequence would be nothing but pure luck. But they should all match up at some point in time with Miss America. I also like to try hosta and caladium combinations.

Last year, I tried Shadowland Miss America hosta with Heart to Heart Flatter Me caladiums a.