A couple years ago, I found myself in an unexpected place. After fifty years of passionately and vigorously serving in ministry, I suddenly felt stripped of all physical strength, which depleted me of emotional strength, too. I fought day after day, week after week, just to keep my head above water, all the while doing my best to counsel others through their trials.

Following months of worsening doctor’s reports, it became clear: I needed a miracle. Have you found yourself there before? In a pit so deep, you knew only God could pull you out? In a storm so strong, you knew only God could rescue you? Amid this storm, I was reminded: miracles are not a fairytale; they’re real. But the key to experiencing this power beyond explanation might differ from what most assume.

Our miracle isn’t found in striving for God’s approval; it’s found in submitting to His love. This truth is what I held onto. I became desperate to know, love, and serve God more deeply.

As I did, He responded, offering me healing not only for my physical body but also for areas I didn’t even know I needed it! In John 6:16-26, the disciples also found themselves in desperate need of a miracle. They’d just witnessed Jesus feeding 5,000 men plus women and children with only five loaves of bread and two fish. After dismissing the crowds, Jesus sent His friends across the Sea of Galilee while He lingered there to pray.

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