When choosing goods or services, people always strive to find the best when there are many options, but the choice is not obvious. The consumer tries to filter out a lot of offers and make the right choice, relying on quality. On Mino.

tj you can read reviews of a particular service and express your opinion. "The platform Mino.tj was created to provide residents with the opportunity to rate establishments by leaving text reviews, and to make these reviews accessible and widely used.

We are convinced that in this way reviews will guarantee transparency in the provision of services, which, in turn, will contribute to improving quality and help consumers make the right choice," said the co-founder of Mino.tj Komron Giesiev. "I am pleased to note that over the past 7 years, after our Mayor Rustami Emomali took office, the pace and growth of the comprehensive development of the city of Dushanbe have changed dramatically.

The dynamic development of the capital with an ever-growing number of new establishments attracts numerous offers of services for every spectrum of the local economy. Considering this trend, we positioned Mino.tj as a means of promoting competition and awakening a high sense of responsibility of institutions for providing quality services," - added Giesiev.

On the site you can find establishments and companies that offer local services. All industries and service names are sorted into categories and tags, which facilitates fast and accurate search. The user can sim.