, - Indonesia's Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the City ( ), Nusantara, is the work of the nation's children, designed as a city of the future for young people. "IKN is for millennials and Gen Z. Not for me, not for Mr.

Jokowi," Basuki said at the ASN Talent Fest 2024 & Anugerah ASN 2023 event on Tuesday, Aug. 27, as quoted by the ministry's official YouTube channel. Basuki, who is the acting head of the IKN agency, said the government is using three principles in building the new capital in East Kalimantan.

"Quality, aesthetics, and environmental sustainability." Basuki claimed that the air quality in IKN is good and healthy, better than in Jakarta and its surroundings. "Our children in the Jakarta metropolitan area are susceptible to diseases.

But (in IKN) the air quality is at level 6. Very healthy," Basuki said. Therefore, he urged government employees or ASN not to hesitate to move to IKN, saying it was a better place than the Metro Area, which covers Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, or Jabodetabek.

He also said that the working life of government employees will be much easier in IKN because they will spend less time on the road going to work. "And that's for your future career, that's in IKN," he said. Basuki had said that President would move to IKN in September 2024.

The presidential office is ready for use, including the presidential residence at the State Palace. "From what I know about President Jokowi's program, once the .