Concord Hospital health system is the first medical institution in New Hampshire to offer a new, FDA-approved, minimally invasive treatment option for men diagnosed with intermediate-risk prostate cancer. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, or HIFU, is an incision-free procedure that destroys prostate cancer tissue using high frequency sound waves. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men in the United States.

Traditional treatments for prostate cancer include surgical removal of the prostate gland and radiation therapy. Although effective, these therapies are known to cause side effects in many men, including erectile dysfunction and urinary leakage. As such, new treatment options that limit potentially lifelong side effects are needed.

HIFU is a “targeted” or “focal” therapy that precisely treats only the area of the prostate gland that contains cancer cells, while leaving the rest of the prostate and surrounding structures unharmed. As a result, the risk of life-limiting side effects is significantly reduced when compared to traditional treatments. HIFU is an outpatient or “day” procedure with a short recovery time, which can be advantageous for many patients and families.

There are also no incision or stiches to care for. In fact, most men can return to general activity one to two days after treatment. Although relatively new in prostate cancer, the concept of focal therapy for other types of cancer is not.

For example, focal therapy (i.e. cr.