Perrikaryal is a streamer who plays games using a headset that reads electroencephalogram signals (EEG). earlier this year. Now the streamer has set her signs on and is already beating bosses left, right, and center.

So far, Perrikaryal has beaten a few bosses in including and . This playthrough is very different from her sessions, though. PerriKaryal has set her headset up so that she can control four button inputs using thoughts, but this game requires a few more than that.

To compensate, she uses eye-tracking for movement and voice control, ensuring that her hands never need to touch a controller or keyboard as she batters each foe she comes up against. Stop it It’s well worth checking out Perrikaryal’s to see the entire playthrough so far. I watched a lot of her gameplay, and it felt like magic, but the addition of voice control takes nothing away from her one.

In fact, it elevates the viewing experience because the audience can keep track a lot better of what the streamer is trying to achieve at any given moment. Something Perrikaryal has used before and is doing so again is her headset’s gyroscope. Tilting her head controls her character’s movement, meaning she can free up another button to control with thought and move around the game with relative ease.

Watching how her head moves in a boss fight doesn’t even look out of place. When I’m engrossed in a game, I move my head in the same way because, in my head, I am the character. It’s a little touch as a v.