As a hardcore Zillenial ('97 baby), content about the Gen Z/millennial generation war often stops me dead in my tracks because I'm spiritually and emotionally very confused about where I lie. Essentially, this is how I feel: Being a Gen Z / millennial cusp is just being a millennial around Gen Z’s and a Gen Z around millennials So when a video by TikTok user @bailshenry came across my For You Page, I was made veerrry aware that calling myself Gen Z feels a biiiit of a stretch. In her video, which has now been viewed over 2.

5 million times, Bailey, 33, presents TikTok with a list of things she learned while working with her Gen Z intern over the summer. Part One #genz #millennialsbelike #cheugy And as one commenter wrote, class really was in session, cause, like, thousands of us learned a thing or two. She began, "So, I'm a millennial.

I'm in my 30s. It is what it is. But I still feel young-ish most days.

I often say I still feel 19. Well, wouldn't you know it, this summer, I worked with a precious 19-year-old who's a rising junior at the University of Mississippi. And she taught me a thing or two — number 1, I am NOT 19.

" She continued, "The youth are often in the know about a lot of things. And as a millennial, I don't hang out with a whole lot of 19-year-olds..

. So I wanted to share the things she taught me to help other millennials if you deal a lot with Gen Z." Then, in possibly the most millennial act, Bailey proceeded to sound off her list of learnings from a MapQue.