The middle seat on an airplane is normally viewed as the least-wanted seat while traveling, with one woman on TikTok discovered the latest way the seat is unappealing. In the video , Erin Rempel, who goes by the username @erinrempel on the platform, showed herself sitting in the middle seat with two men on either side of her, who have stretched their legs far enough that she appeared squished into her seat. Text across the screen of her video read, “female rage.

” “Why would anyone EVER need that much room??? I tried to get him to move but he wouldn’t,” she wrote in the caption of her video. After posting, her TikTok went on to receive more than 18 million views, with many people taking to the comments to express how they were equally as mad as Rempel, with many calling out the display of “manspreading.” Manspreading is when a man spreads his legs out in a public seating area, typically either taking up an extra seat in the process or invading others’ space.

“Girl you need to say something. They do not need to be over that much, if you’re nervous, call a flight attendant,” one commenter pointed out. “Please just own your space.

Take it. It is YOURS,” another commenter suggested to her. The suggestions continued, with one person telling Rempel to kick the front of her chair “like a toddler,” while some came up with various phrases she could tell the two men on either side of her.

Other commenters reflected on their own stories where they were in a .